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First three years - 始の三年 (Hajime no san'nen)

This piece "First three years - 始の三年 "was also for a Kakizomé held in January, 2013. (No worries, I will later mention the Kakizomé that we had this year too....)

The time flies indeed. It's almost been full three years since I came to live in Paris in May, 2011. There were a lot of things to make me to come and there were again a lot of things happened while I started my new life. 2011 was a key year to me. Everything has changed.

Not only for the occasion of Kakizomé but also for a daily practise, it's nice to write about your personal "motto" in calligraphy. This way you will think of it and you will try to act to respect your motto.

That was the reason, why the sentence as "First three years" came up on my mind one day.

I have made a decision to finish at least the first three years in Paris no matter what the hard thing happened.

Today as I repeat, its' been almost three years and I think I can say that I am quite proud of myself.

Now the plan is? Yes, I'm staying for a little longer again :)










書 き初めという機会にでも、または普段のお稽古の際にでも、何かこうしたモットーのような一言を墨で書くのはとてもよい気持ちになります。黒く澄んだ墨の色 のおかげか、しっかり決意しよう、守り抜こうという気になりますし、少しでも目標を達成出来るよう、気を付けて行動するようになります。何度心が折れそう になっても、この「始の三年」を心の中にふと思い返すだけで、『辛いけど、もうちょっと頑張ろう!』という気になったことか。本当は掛け軸にして、家のど こかに掛けておくべきでした!

この5月で丸3年が過ぎることになります。時が経つのはどうしてもこうも速いのか... しかし、こうして無事、文字通り「始の三年」を達成することが出来て、少しだけ自分を褒めてあげたい気分。


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